Search Alerts
The PSG online ordering system, PSG Connect is enhanced with a Search Alert system which is designed to allow you to consider searches that are recommended within the vicinity of the subject property.
Each with it own parameters, products that have a search alert are as follows:
Coal: This search alert uses data provided by the Coal Authority on areas that could be affected by coal mining. These are provided as polygons. A 25m buffer is automatically placed around the centre point/polygon. If the property or the buffer falls within one of these polygons the alert will flag.
Tin: This search alert uses data provided by Cornwall Consultants, based on postcode sector. It identifies areas based on postcodes that could have been or are affected by tin mining. A 25m buffer is automatically placed around the centre point/polygon.
China Clay: This search alert uses data provided by Kaolin and Ball Clay Association, based on postcode sector. It identifies areas based on postcode that could be affected by clay mining. A 25m buffer is automatically applied around the centre point/polygon.
This search alert is based upon the 1km Radon atlas which was compiled by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and the British Geological Survey (BGS). The Atlas identifies the highest risk found in each 1km grid square. A 50m buffer has been applied to the point or polygon outline. If the buffer falls within an area at risk the alert will flag.
Fluvial: This search alert used data from the the Environment Agency to identify the risk from river and tidal flooding within 250m of a point or polygon outline.
Pluvial: This search alert is based upon JBA postcode data and indicates possible surface water/ pluvial flooding risks. The alert automatically applies a 25m buffer around the point or polygon boundary. If this buffer falls within a postcode that has an associated risk the alert will flag.
HS2 and CrossRail
This search alert data comes from HS2 Ltd, and the Crossrail data has been sourced and digitised by GroundSure. HS2 is searched to 5000m of the point or polygon boundary and Crossrail is searched to 500m of the network. If either returns a positive result the alert is flagged.
London Underground
Sourced from the London Underground Hazard Check Service, this alert applies a 250m buffer around the point or polygon boundary. If the given location is within the buffer range of data indicating a risk, the alert will flag.
Energy and Infrastructure
The energy risk alert returns any positive result within 5km of any of the following:
- an existing onshore oil, gas, shale gas or coalbed methane well that has been active in since the year 2000 (DECC);
- a planning application relating to onshore hydrocarbon (oil, gas, shale gas or coalbed methane) exploration and/or development (Merit);
- an existing wind farm (present on the UK Wind Energy Database) (UKWED);
- a planning application relating to a multi-turbine wind installation (Glenigan);
- an existing power station (DECC)
- a nationally significant Infrastructure Project relating to energy generation or transmission (Planning Inspectorate);
- A record on DECC’s RESTATS planning database relating to a solar installation with an installed/proposed capacity >1MW (DECC).
Ground Stability
This alert is a combination of data provided by different data sources. If one of the following is identified within 75m the ‘Ground Stability’ alert is flagged;
Natural Ground Subsidence (BGS) (split into the 6 GeoSure hazards that have individual ratings of C,D or E),
Shallow Mining (BGS) if the risk is between Low-Moderate and High
- Historical Underground Workings (GroundSure – identified from 10K historic mapping). This database includes over 200,000 features such as shafts, mine pits and tunnels.
- Historical Surface Ground Workings (GroundSure – identified from 10K historic mapping), features include Engine pits, heaps and collieries. Such features may have implications with regard to the potential for subsidence and ground instability.
- Historical Mining Features (GroundSure – identified from 10K historic mapping). These are derived from GroundSure’s Historical Land Use Database and includes features indicative of mining such as shafts, entrances, adits and levels.
- Infilled Land (GroundSure – identified from 10K historic mapping)
- Britpits (BGS) data of active and inactive mines, pits and quarries
- Natural Cavities (PBA) such as sinkholes and caves. Most are formed by the dissolution of soluble rock; others are formed by slope instability.
- Mining Cavities (PBA) mine workings to extract stone, metal etc have left old degraded mines which may lead to ground movement. The database identifies mining features where cavities could form.
- Historic Landfill (Environment Agency)
- Active Landfills (Environment Agency)
- BGS Landfill Sites
- Other Landfill Sites (digitised by GroundSure) – information is taken from databases unique to GroundSure compiled from 1:2500 & 1:1250 scale mapping.